All framing timber is pressure treated with Tanalith E. Its an Eco friendly preservative that is impressed into the timber from a pressure vacuum tank. The framing is 3x2 as standard that's the full 70x45mm not a substandard/thinner CLS version. We also provide a 4x2 upgrade so please enquire if this is something of interest.
Skids and towing frames
Wooden skids are 150mmx75mm Tanalised Timber with formed ends. Over 16ft have a joint in them.
Metal Skids are 100mmx50mm x 3mm steel, 45 degree ends. Over 16ft have a joint. Towing Brackets can be added to either wooden or metal skids. Metal Towing frame is as Metal Skids with additional 60mm box cross members for added strength. |
timber framing and roof structure
Minimum framing is pressure treated (Tanalith E) 70x45 planed not rough sawn (3x2) Not cls which is thinner. We offer upgrade to 4x2 as well (95mmx45mm), please contact us for a quote.
The trusses are constructed from treated 4x2 timber usually at a 15 degree pitch (unless different pitch required) and mini hangers are pre fitted to take the roof purlins ready for the roof covering. Trusses are bolted to the framework and on field shelters the centre truss is bracketed to the front and back panels to prevent any wind uplift. |
exterior cladding
stable doors - All doorways having 4x2 framing for the hinges to fit on.
The stable doors are constructed with 12mm hardwood ply backing, 5x1 frame and 20mm thick T&G on the outer side. As standard there is an anti chew strip to the top side of the base door, 8 inch pad bolt, 6 inch cabin hook to hold door back onto panel, 20 inch T hinges and a kick over latch... All are heavy duty and galvanised.Optional upgrades are: Anti chews to the door frame, extended plate on base door. Please enquire as to prices on these.
kickboard lining
As standard we supply 11mm OSB to 4ft throughout, In some cases especially on taller buildings and on the frontages boards may be supplied for full height (To eaves). 1/2 height (4ft) Dividing walls are lined both sides and Full height (To eaves) are lined fully on one side to eaves and on the other to 4ft. Upgrades: 18mm OSB, 1/2 ich Ply. Please enquire as to these costs. Inner walls can also be utilised to build in socialising grilles.
Anti chew metals can be added to either door ways, usually for stables and to the openings and corners on shelters. Usually they are good points for the animals to rub so whilst they offer extra strength to the building they also stop any wear to the timber posts which can happen over time without them.
onduline roofing
Onduline is an extremely tough, lightweight, corrugated roofing and wall cladding material manufactured utilising a base board produced from recycled cellulose fibres which is saturated with bitumen under intense pressure and heat.
Onduline sheets are finished with a colour pigment and resin impregnation process which “stains” the colour into the sheet to provide excellent colour retention properties and enhanced U.V. resistance. We supply the colour black as standard but other colours available at extra cost. You can also line the underside of Onduline with boards and we can offer this as an upgrade, we usually recommend increasing the depth of the purlins to take the extra weight of the boards. |
clear roof light
We provide a clear roof light for each bay and usually its positioned on the back of the building. We are happy to provide additional sheets at an extra cost of £30 each. We try and ensure there is approx 10% of the roof covering as clear sheets to allow light into the building. These clear sheets have the same profile as the onduline sheeting.
Guttering is an optional extra on our buildings and is relatively inexpensive. As an approx costs allow for say £55 per 12ft section. The guttering is supplied as 1/2 round black as standard and usually has one down spout on either left or right side of buildings, more can be added especially on buildings that may get moved and the flow of water changes. Please enquire as to overall cost on your proposed project.
We make it our priority to assemble buildings so that they are properly bolted together and also anchored down against winds. On fixed buildings that are usually fixed to concrete bases we use anchor bolts ensuring the building in fastened into the concrete, this is very important. Also mobile units are recommended to have temporary safety anchors fitted into the ground. We provide the brackets (which are also used as the towing eyes) which can be used with a range of fixings supplied by
For self builds we provide all the relevant fixings and fixing instructions along with video links.
For self builds we provide all the relevant fixings and fixing instructions along with video links.